Versions 0.0.x#
Setting up initial repository, configuring CI/CD
Migration of code from CU-Denver-UQ/mud-paper repo
Revisions of architecture, moving modules around
Rapid iteration, not sticking to semantic versioning
Possible breaking versions between patches (some functions moved to mud-examples)
Defines basic functionality, classes, helpful functions
Version 0.0.25#
Updated packaging to comply with PEP 517/518 using pyscaffold `v4.0.2
Removes pyerf in favor of erfinv from scipy.special (available since v0.2)
Renames testing to dev for optional dependency installation
Adds black as a dev dependency
Run black + flake8 on whole project
clean up setup.cfg file
adds file for readthedocs
Version 0.0.26#
Read the Docs set up, documentation infrastructure.
Version 0.0.27#
Adding docstrings
Removing plot module. mud-examples already has it.
Fixing CHANGELOG typos with version numbers.
Update project description + metadata in setup.cfg
sphinx_copybutton extension added
Version 0.1#
Basic functionality and repo complete with information
Beginning of adherence to semantic versioning rules
i.e., breaking changes in major revision, contract changes in minor, bugfixes/features in patch.