mud package#


mud.base module#

class mud.base.BayesProblem(X, y, domain=None)[source]#

Bases: object

Sets up Bayesian Inverse Problem for parameter identification

>>> from mud.base import BayesProblem
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.stats import distributions as ds
>>> X = np.random.rand(100,1)
>>> num_obs = 50
>>> Y = np.repeat(X, num_obs, 1)
>>> y = np.ones(num_obs)*0.5 + np.random.randn(num_obs)*0.05
>>> B = BayesProblem(X, Y, np.array([[0,1]]))
>>> B.set_likelihood(ds.norm(loc=y, scale=0.05))
>>> np.round(B.map_point()[0],1)
set_likelihood(distribution, log=False)[source]#
class mud.base.DensityProblem(X, y, domain=None, weights=None)[source]#

Bases: object

Sets up Data-Consistent Inverse Problem for parameter identification

>>> from mud.base import DensityProblem
>>> from mud.funs import wme
>>> import numpy as np
>>> X = np.random.rand(100,1)
>>> num_obs = 50
>>> Y = np.repeat(X, num_obs, 1)
>>> y = np.ones(num_obs)*0.5 + np.random.randn(num_obs)*0.05
>>> W = wme(Y, y)
>>> B = DensityProblem(X, W, np.array([[0,1]]))
>>> np.round(B.mud_point()[0],1)
set_observed(distribution=<scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_frozen object>)[source]#
set_predicted(distribution=None, bw_method=None, weights=None, **kwargs)[source]#

If no distribution is passed, scipy.stats.gaussian_kde is used and the arguments bw_method and weights will be passed to it. If weights is specified, it will be saved as the self._weights attribute in the class. If omitted, self._weights will be used in its place.

Note: distribution should be a frozen distribution if using scipy.

set_weights(weights: Union[numpy.ndarray, List])[source]#

mud.funs module#

Python console script for mud, installed with pip install . or python install

mud.funs.check_args(A, b, y, mean, cov, data_cov)[source]#
mud.funs.iterate(A, b, y, initial_mean, initial_cov, data_cov=None, num_epochs=1, idx=None)[source]#

Main entry point allowing external calls


args ([str]) – command line parameter list

mud.funs.makeRi(A, initial_cov)[source]#
mud.funs.map_problem(lam, qoi, qoi_true, domain, sd=0.05, num_obs=None, log=False)[source]#

Wrapper around map problem, takes in raw qoi + synthetic data and instantiates solver object

mud.funs.map_sol(A, b, y=None, mean=None, cov=None, data_cov=None, w=1, return_pred=False)[source]#
mud.funs.mud_problem(lam, qoi, qoi_true, domain, sd=0.05, num_obs=None, split=None, weights=None)[source]#

Wrapper around mud problem, takes in raw qoi + synthetic data and performs WME transformation, instantiates solver object.

mud.funs.mud_sol(A, b, y=None, mean=None, cov=None, data_cov=None, return_pred=False)[source]#

For SWE problem, we are inverting N(0,1). This is the default value for data_cov.

mud.funs.mud_sol_alt(A, b, y=None, mean=None, cov=None, data_cov=None, return_pred=False)[source]#

Doesn’t use R directly, uses new equations. This presents the equation as a rank-k update to the error of the initial estimate.


Parse command line parameters


args ([str]) – command line parameters as list of strings


command line parameters namespace

Return type


mud.funs.performEpoch(A, b, y, initial_mean, initial_cov, data_cov=None, idx=None)[source]#[source]#

Entry point for console_scripts


Setup basic logging


loglevel (int) – minimum loglevel for emitting messages

mud.funs.updated_cov(X, init_cov=None, data_cov=None)[source]#

We start with the posterior covariance from ridge regression Our matrix R = init_cov^(-1) - X.T @ pred_cov^(-1) @ X replaces the init_cov from the posterior covariance equation. Simplifying, this is given as the following, which is not used due to issues of numerical stability (a lot of inverse operations).

up_cov = (X.T @ np.linalg.inv(data_cov) @ X + R )^(-1) up_cov = np.linalg.inv( X.T@(np.linalg.inv(data_cov) - inv_pred_cov)@X + np.linalg.inv(init_cov) )

We return the updated covariance using a form of it derived which applies Hua’s identity in order to use Woodbury’s identity.

>>> updated_cov(np.eye(2))
array([[1., 0.],
       [0., 1.]])
>>> updated_cov(np.eye(2)*2)
array([[0.25, 0.  ],
       [0.  , 0.25]])
>>> updated_cov(np.eye(3)[:, :2]*2, data_cov=np.eye(3))
array([[0.25, 0.  ],
       [0.  , 0.25]])
>>> updated_cov(np.eye(3)[:, :2]*2, init_cov=np.eye(2))
array([[0.25, 0.  ],
       [0.  , 0.25]]), data, sd=None)[source]#

Calculates Weighted Mean Error (WME) functional.

  • predictions (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features)) – Predicted values against which data is compared.

  • data (list or numpy.ndarray of shape (n_features, 1)) – Collected (noisy) data

  • sd (float, optional) – Standard deviation

Return type

numpy.ndarray of shape (n_samples, 1)

mud.norm module#

mud.norm.full_functional(operator, inputs, data, initial_mean, initial_cov, observed_mean=0, observed_cov=1)[source]#
mud.norm.inner_product(X, mat)[source]#

Inner-product induced vector norm implementation.

Returns square of norm defined by the inner product (x,x)_C := x^T C^-1 x

  • X ((M, N) array_like) – Input array. N = number of samples, M = dimension

  • mat ((M, M) array_like) – Positive-definite operator which induces the inner product


Z – inner-product of each column in X with respect to mat

Return type

(N, 1) ndarray

mud.norm.norm_data(operator, inputs, data, observed_mean, observed_cov)[source]#
mud.norm.norm_input(inputs, initial_mean, initial_cov)[source]#
mud.norm.norm_predicted(operator, inputs, initial_mean, initial_cov)[source]#

mud.plot module#

mud.plot.make_2d_normal_mesh(N=50, window=1)[source]#
mud.plot.make_2d_unit_mesh(N=50, window=1)[source]#
mud.plot.plotChain(mud_chain, ref_param, color='k', s=100)[source]#
mud.plot.plot_contours(A, ref_param, subset=None, color='k', ls=':', lw=1, fs=20, w=1, s=100, **kwds)[source]#

mud.util module#

mud.util.null_space(A, rcond=None)[source]#

Construct an orthonormal basis for the null space of A using SVD

Method is slight modification of scipy.linalg

  • A ((M, N) array_like) – Input array

  • rcond (float, optional) – Relative condition number. Singular values s smaller than rcond * max(s) are considered zero. Default: floating point eps * max(M,N).


Z – Orthonormal basis for the null space of A. K = dimension of effective null space, as determined by rcond

Return type

(N, K) ndarray


One-dimensional null space:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mud.util import null_space
>>> A = np.array([[1, 1], [1, 1]])
>>> ns = null_space(A)
>>> ns * np.sign(ns[0,0])  # Remove the sign ambiguity of the vector
array([[ 0.70710678],

Two-dimensional null space:

>>> B = np.random.rand(3, 5)
>>> Z = null_space(B)
>>> Z.shape
(5, 2)
>>> np.allclose(, 0)

The basis vectors are orthonormal (up to rounding error):

>>> np.allclose(, np.eye(2))
mud.util.std_from_equipment(tolerance=0.1, probability=0.95)[source]#

Converts tolerance tolerance for precision of measurement equipment to a standard deviation, scaling so that (100`probability`) percent of measurements are within tolerance. A mean of zero is assumed. erfinv is imported from scipy.special

mud.util.transform_linear_map(operator, data, std)[source]#

Takes a linear map operator of size (len(data), dim_input) or (1, dim_input) for repeated observations, along with a vector data representing observations. It is assumed that data is formed with M@truth + sigma where sigma ~ N(0, std)

This then transforms it to the MWE form expected by the DCI framework. It returns a matrix A of shape (1, dim_input) and np.float b and transforms it to the MWE form expected by the DCI framework.

>>> X = np.ones((10, 2))
>>> x = np.array([0.5, 0.5]).reshape(-1, 1)
>>> std = 1
>>> d = X @ x
>>> A, b = transform_linear_map(X, d, std)
>>> np.linalg.norm(A @ x + b)
>>> A, b = transform_linear_map(X, d, [std]*10)
>>> np.linalg.norm(A @ x + b)
>>> A, b = transform_linear_map(np.array([[1, 1]]), d, std)
>>> np.linalg.norm(A @ x + b)
>>> A, b = transform_linear_map(np.array([[1, 1]]), d, [std]*10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: For repeated measurements, pass a float for std
mud.util.transform_linear_setup(operator_list, data_list, std_list)[source]#

Module contents#