Source code for mud.examples.linear

MUD Linear Examples

Functions for examples for linear problems.
import logging
from typing import List, Optional

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # type: ignore
import numpy as np  # type: ignore
import scipy as sp  # type: ignore

from mud.base import IterativeLinearProblem, LinearGaussianProblem, LinearWMEProblem
from mud.plot import mud_plot_params, save_figure
from mud.util import rank_decomposition, std_from_equipment

# Matplotlib plotting options

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def random_linear_wme_problem( reference_point, std_dev, num_qoi=1, num_observations=10, dist="normal", repeated=False, ): """ Create a random linear WME problem Parameters ---------- reference_point : np.ndarray Reference true parameter value. dist: str, default='normal' Distribution to draw random linear map from. 'normal' or 'uniform' supported at the moment. num_qoi : int, default = 1 Number of QoI num_observations: int, default = 10 Number of observation data points. std_dev: np.ndarray, optional Standard deviation of normal distribution from where observed data points are drawn from. If none specified, noise-less data is created. Returns ------- """ if isinstance(std_dev, (int, float)): std_dev = np.array([std_dev]) * num_qoi else: assert len(std_dev) == num_qoi if isinstance(num_observations, (int, float)): num_observations = [num_observations] * num_qoi else: assert len(num_observations) == num_qoi assert len(std_dev) == len(num_observations) dim_input = len(reference_point) operator_list = [] data_list = [] for n, s in zip(num_observations, std_dev): if dist == "normal": M = np.random.randn(num_qoi, dim_input) else: M = np.random.rand(num_qoi, dim_input) if repeated: # just use first row M = M[0, :].reshape(1, dim_input) if isinstance(s, (int, float)): # support for s per measurement s = np.array([s] * n) # noqa: E221 else: assert ( len(s.ravel()) == n ), f"St. Dev / Data mismatch. data: {n}, s: {len(s.ravel())}" ref_input = np.array(list(reference_point)).reshape(-1, 1) ref_data = M @ ref_input # noqa: E221 noise = np.diag(s) @ np.random.randn(n, 1) if ref_data.shape[0] == 1: ref_data = ref_data.ravel() data = ref_data + noise operator_list.append(M) data_list.append(data.ravel()) return operator_list, data_list, std_dev
[docs]def random_linear_problem( dim_input: int = 10, dim_output: int = 10, mean_i: Optional[np.typing.ArrayLike] = None, cov_i: Optional[np.typing.ArrayLike] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, ): """Construct a random linear Gaussian Problem""" if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) # Construct random inputs drawn from standard normal A = np.random.randn(dim_output, dim_input) b = np.random.randn(dim_output).reshape(-1, 1) lam_ref = np.random.randn(dim_input).reshape(-1, 1) y = A @ lam_ref + b # Initial guess at mean is just origin if mean_i is None: mean_i = np.zeros(dim_input).reshape(-1, 1) # Initial Covariance drawn from standard normal centered at 0.5 if cov_i is None: cov_i = np.diag(np.sort(np.random.rand(dim_input))[::-1] + 0.5) lin_prob = LinearGaussianProblem(A, b, y, mean_i, cov_i) return lam_ref, lin_prob
[docs]def noisy_linear_data(M, reference_point, std, num_data=None): """ Creates data produced by model assumed to be of the form: Q(lam) = M * lam + odj,i =Mj(λ†)+ξi, ξi ∼N(0,σj2), 1≤i≤Nj Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ dim_input = len(reference_point) if num_data is None: num_data = M.shape[0] assert ( M.shape[1] == dim_input ), f"Operator/Reference dimension mismatch. op: {M.shape}, input dim: {dim_input}" assert ( M.shape[0] == 1 or M.shape[0] == num_data ), f"Operator/Data dimension mismatch. op: {M.shape}, observations: {num_data}" if isinstance(std, (int, float)): # support for std per measurement std = np.array([std] * num_data) # noqa: E221 else: assert ( len(std.ravel()) == num_data ), f"St. Dev / Data mismatch. data: {num_data}, std: {len(std.ravel())}" ref_input = np.array(list(reference_point)).reshape(-1, 1) # noqa: E221 ref_data = M @ ref_input # noqa: E221 noise = np.diag(std) @ np.random.randn(num_data, 1) # noqa: E221 if ref_data.shape[0] == 1: ref_data = float(ref_data) data = ref_data + noise # noqa: E221 return data.ravel()
[docs]def rotation_map(qnum=10, tol=0.1, b=None, ref_param=None, seed=None): """ Generate test data linear rotation map """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(24) vec = np.linspace(0, np.pi, qnum) A = np.array([[np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)] for theta in vec]) A = A.reshape(qnum, 2) b = np.zeros((qnum, 1)) if b is None else b ref_param = ( np.array([[0.5, 0.5]]).reshape(-1, 1) if ref_param is None else ref_param ) # Compute observed value y = A @ ref_param + b initial_mean = np.random.randn(2).reshape(-1, 1) initial_cov = np.eye(2) * std_from_equipment(tol) return (A, b, y, initial_mean, initial_cov, ref_param)
[docs]def rotation_map_trials( numQoI=10, method="ordered", num_trials=100, model_eval_budget=100, ax=None, color="r", label="Ordered QoI $(10\\times 10D)$", seed=None, ): """ Run a set of trials for linear rotation map problems """ # Initialize plot if axis object is not passed in if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(20, 10)) # Build Rotation Map. This will initialize seed of trial if specified A, b, y, initial_mean, initial_cov, ref_param = rotation_map(qnum=numQoI, seed=seed) # Calculate number of epochs per trial using budget and number of QoI num_epochs = model_eval_budget // numQoI errors = [] for trial in range(num_trials): # Get a new random initial mean to start from per trial on same problem initial_mean = np.random.rand(2, 1) # Initialize number of epochs and idx choices to use on this trial epochs = num_epochs choice = np.arange(numQoI) # Modify epochs/choices based off of method if method == "ordered": # Ordered - GO through each row in order once per epoch, each trial epochs = num_epochs elif method == "shuffle": # Shuffled - Shuffle rows on each trial, in order once per epoch np.random.shuffle(choice) epochs = num_epochs elif method == "batch": # Batch - Perform only one epoch, but iterate in random # order num_epochs times over each row of A choice = list(np.arange(numQoI)) * num_epochs np.random.shuffle(choice) epochs = 1 elif method == "random": # Randoms - Perform only one epoch, but do num_epochs*rows # random choices of rows of A, with replacement choice = np.random.choice(np.arange(numQoI), size=num_epochs * numQoI) epochs = 1 # Initialize Iterative Linear Problem and solve using number of epochs prob = IterativeLinearProblem( A, b=b, y=y, initial_mean=initial_mean, cov=initial_cov, idx_order=choice ) _ = prob.solve(num_epochs=epochs) # Plot errors with respect to reference parameter over each iteration prob.plot_chain_error(ref_param, alpha=0.1, ax=ax, color=color, fontsize=36) # Append to errors matrix to calculate mean error across trials errors.append(prob.get_errors(ref_param)) # Compute mean errors at each iteration across all trials avg_errs = np.mean(np.array(errors), axis=0) # Plot mean errors ax.plot(avg_errs, color, lw=5, label=label)
[docs]def call_consistent(lin_prob: LinearGaussianProblem, **kwargs): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 6)) lin_prob.plot_fun_contours( ax=ax, terms="reg_m", levels=50, cmap="viridis", alpha=1.0 ) lin_prob.plot_sol( ax=ax, point="initial", label="Initial Mean", pt_opts={ "color": "k", "s": 100, "marker": "o", "label": "MUD", "zorder": 10, }, ) _ = ax.axis([0, 1, 0, 1]) if kwargs.get("save_path"): save_figure("consistent_contour.png", **kwargs)
[docs]def call_mismatch(lin_prob: LinearGaussianProblem, **kwargs): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 6)) lin_prob.plot_fun_contours( ax=ax, terms="data", levels=50, cmap="viridis", alpha=1.0 ) lin_prob.plot_contours( ax=ax, annotate=True, note_loc=[0.1, 0.9], label="Solution Contour", plot_opts={"color": "r"}, annotate_opts={"fontsize": 20, "backgroundcolor": "w"}, ) ax.axis("equal") _ = ax.set_xlim([0, 1]) _ = ax.set_ylim([0, 1]) if kwargs.get("save_path"): save_figure("data_mismatch_contour.png", **kwargs)
[docs]def call_tikhonov(lin_prob: LinearGaussianProblem, **kwargs): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 6)) lin_prob.plot_fun_contours(ax=ax, terms="reg", levels=50, cmap="viridis", alpha=1.0) lin_prob.plot_sol( ax=ax, point="initial", label="Initial Mean", pt_opts={ "color": "k", "s": 100, "marker": "o", "label": "MUD", "zorder": 10, }, ) _ = ax.axis([0, 1, 0, 1]) if kwargs.get("save_path"): save_figure("tikhonov_contour.png", **kwargs)
[docs]def call_map(lin_prob: LinearGaussianProblem, **kwargs): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 6)) lin_prob.plot_fun_contours(ax=ax, terms="bayes", levels=50, cmap="viridis") lin_prob.plot_fun_contours( ax=ax, terms="data", levels=25, cmap="viridis", alpha=0.5, vmin=0, vmax=4, ) lin_prob.plot_sol( ax=ax, point="initial", pt_opts={ "color": "k", "s": 100, "marker": "o", "label": "MUD", "zorder": 20, }, ) lin_prob.plot_sol( ax=ax, point="ls", label="Least Squares", note_loc=[0.49, 0.55], pt_opts={"color": "xkcd:blue", "s": 100, "marker": "d", "zorder": 10}, annotate_opts={"fontsize": 14, "backgroundcolor": "w"}, ) lin_prob.plot_sol( ax=ax, point="map", label="MAP", pt_opts={ "color": "tab:orange", "s": 100, "linewidths": 3, "marker": "x", "zorder": 10, }, ln_opts=None, annotate_opts={"fontsize": 14, "backgroundcolor": "w"}, ) lin_prob.plot_contours( ax=ax, annotate=False, note_loc=[0.1, 0.9], label="Solution Contour", plot_opts={"color": "r"}, annotate_opts={"fontsize": 14, "backgroundcolor": "w"}, ) _ = ax.axis([0, 1, 0, 1]) if kwargs.get("save_path"): save_figure("classical_solution.png", **kwargs)
[docs]def call_mud(lin_prob: LinearGaussianProblem, **kwargs): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 6)) lin_prob.plot_fun_contours(ax=ax, terms="dc", levels=50, cmap="viridis") lin_prob.plot_fun_contours( ax=ax, terms="data", levels=25, cmap="viridis", alpha=0.5, vmin=0, vmax=4, ) lin_prob.plot_sol( ax=ax, point="initial", pt_opts={ "color": "k", "s": 100, "marker": "o", "label": "MUD", "zorder": 20, }, ) lin_prob.plot_sol( ax=ax, point="ls", label="Least Squares", note_loc=[0.49, 0.55], pt_opts={"color": "k", "s": 100, "marker": "d", "zorder": 10}, annotate_opts={"fontsize": 14, "backgroundcolor": "w"}, ) lin_prob.plot_sol( point="mud", ax=ax, label="MUD", pt_opts={"color": "k", "s": 100, "marker": "*", "zorder": 10}, ln_opts={"color": "k", "marker": "*", "lw": 1, "zorder": 10}, annotate_opts={"fontsize": 14, "backgroundcolor": "w"}, ) lin_prob.plot_contours( ax=ax, annotate=False, note_loc=[0.1, 0.9], label="Solution Contour", plot_opts={"color": "r"}, annotate_opts={"fontsize": 14, "backgroundcolor": "w"}, ) ax.axis("equal") _ = ax.axis([0, 1, 0, 1]) if kwargs.get("save_path"): save_figure("consistent_solution.png", **kwargs)
[docs]def call_comparison(lin_prob: LinearGaussianProblem, **kwargs): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 8)) lin_prob.plot_fun_contours(ax=ax, terms="bayes", levels=50, cmap="viridis") lin_prob.plot_fun_contours( ax=ax, terms="data", levels=25, cmap="viridis", alpha=0.5, vmin=0, vmax=4, ) lin_prob.plot_sol( ax=ax, point="initial", pt_opts={ "color": "k", "s": 100, "marker": "o", "label": "MUD", "zorder": 10, }, ) lin_prob.plot_sol( ax=ax, point="ls", label="Least Squares", note_loc=[0.49, 0.55], pt_opts={"color": "k", "s": 100, "marker": "d", "zorder": 10}, ) lin_prob.plot_sol( ax=ax, point="map", label="MAP", pt_opts={ "color": "tab:orange", "s": 100, "linewidth": 3, "marker": "x", "zorder": 10, }, ln_opts=None, annotate_opts={"fontsize": 14, "backgroundcolor": "w"}, ) lin_prob.plot_sol( point="mud", ax=ax, label="MUD", pt_opts={ "color": "k", "s": 100, "linewidth": 3, "marker": "*", "zorder": 10, }, ln_opts={"color": "k", "marker": "*", "lw": 1, "zorder": 10}, annotate_opts={"fontsize": 14, "backgroundcolor": "w"}, ) lin_prob.plot_contours( ax=ax, annotate=False, note_loc=[0.1, 0.9], label="Solution Contour", plot_opts={"color": "r"}, annotate_opts={"fontsize": 14, "backgroundcolor": "w"}, ) pt = [0.7, 0.3] ax.scatter([pt[0]], [pt[1]], color="k", s=100, marker="s", zorder=11) nc = (pt[0] - 0.02, pt[1] + 0.02) ax.annotate("Truth", nc, fontsize=14, backgroundcolor="w") _ = ax.axis([0, 1, 0, 1]) if kwargs.get("save_path"): save_figure("map_compare_contour.png", **kwargs)
[docs]def run_contours( plot_fig: Optional[List[str]] = None, save_path: Optional[str] = None, dpi: int = 500, close_fig: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """ Run Contours Produces contour plots of 2-D parameter space for 2-to-1 linear map found in Figures 3 and 5 of [ref]. These contour plots show the different regularization terms between Bayesian and Data-Consistent solutions that lead to a different optimization problem and therefore a different solution to the inverse problem. Parameters ---------- plot_fig : str, default='all' Which figures to produce. Possible options are data_mismatch, save_path: str, optional If provided, path to save the resulting figure to. dpi: int, default=500 Resolution of images saved close_fig: bool, default=False Set to True to close figure and only save it. kwargs: dict, optional kwargs to overwrite default arguments used to build linear problem. Possible values include and their expected types, and default values: - A : 2D array, default=[[1, 1]] - b - 1D array, default = [0] - y - 1D array, default =[1] - mean_i - 1D array, default = [0.25, 0.25] - cov_i - 2D array, default = [[1, -0.25], [-0.25, 0.5]] - cov_o - 1D array, default = [1] Returns ---------- lin_prob : mud.base.LinearGaussianProblem LinearGaussianProblem object with solved linear inverse problem and associated data within. """ plot_fig = ["all"] if plot_fig is None else plot_fig # Build linear problem - Overwrite defaults with anything in **kwargs def_args = { "A": np.array([[1, 1]]), "b": np.array([[0]]), "y": np.array([[1]]), "mean_i": np.array([[0.25, 0.25]]).T, "cov_i": np.array([[1, -0.25], [-0.25, 0.5]]), "cov_o": np.array([[1]]), } def_args.update(kwargs) lin_prob = LinearGaussianProblem(**def_args) _ = (lin_prob.solve("mud"), lin_prob.solve("map"), lin_prob.solve("ls")) if "data_mismatch" in plot_fig or "all" in plot_fig: call_mismatch( lin_prob=lin_prob, save_path=save_path, dpi=dpi, close_fig=close_fig ) if "tikhonov" in plot_fig or "all" in plot_fig: call_tikhonov( lin_prob=lin_prob, save_path=save_path, dpi=dpi, close_fig=close_fig ) if "consistent" in plot_fig or "all" in plot_fig: call_consistent( lin_prob=lin_prob, save_path=save_path, dpi=dpi, close_fig=close_fig ) if "map" in plot_fig or "all" in plot_fig: call_map(lin_prob=lin_prob, save_path=save_path, dpi=dpi, close_fig=close_fig) if "mud" in plot_fig or "all" in plot_fig: call_mud(lin_prob=lin_prob, save_path=save_path, dpi=dpi, close_fig=close_fig) if "comparison" in plot_fig or "all" in plot_fig: call_comparison( lin_prob=lin_prob, save_path=save_path, dpi=dpi, close_fig=close_fig ) return lin_prob
[docs]def run_wme_covariance( dim_input: int = 20, dim_output: int = 5, sigma: float = 1e-1, Ns: List[int] = [10, 100, 1000, 10000], seed: Optional[int] = None, save_path: Optional[str] = None, dpi: int = 500, close_fig: bool = False, ): """ Weighted Mean Error Map Updated Covariance Reproduces figure 4 from [ref], showing the spectral properties of the updated covriance for a the Weighted Mean Error map on a randomly generated linear operator as more data from repeated measurements is used to constructthe QoI map. Parameters ---------- dim_input: int, default=20 Input dimension of linear map (number of rows in A). dim_output: int, default=5 Output dimension of linear map (number of columns in A). sigma: float, default=1e-1 N(0, sigma) error added to produce "measurements" from linear operator. Ns: List[str]. default = [10, 100, 1000, 10000] List of number of data points to collect in constructing Q_WME map to view how the spectral properties of the updated covariance change as more data is included in the Q_WME map. seed: int, default = 21 To fix results for reproducibility. Set to None to randomize results. save_path: str, optional If provided, path to save the resulting figure to. dpi: int, default=500 Resolution of images saved close_fig: bool, default=False Set to True to close figure and only save it. Returns ------- linear_wme_prob, ax: Tuple[mud.base.LinearWMEProblem, matplotlib.pyplot.Axes] Tuple containing solved linear WME problems for each Ns value, and axes containing the plot of the first 20 eigenvalues of the updated covariances for each Q_WME map. """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) initial_cov = np.diag(np.sort(np.random.rand(dim_input))[::-1] + 0.5) lam_ref = np.random.randn(dim_input).reshape(-1, 1) # Create operator list of random linear problems operator_list, data_list, _ = random_linear_wme_problem( lam_ref, [0] * dim_output, # noiseless data bc we want to simulate multiple trials num_qoi=dim_output, num_observations=[max(Ns)] * dim_output, # iterate over increasing measurements dist="norm", repeated=True, ) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5)) index_values = np.arange(dim_input) + 1 lines = ["solid", "dashed", "dashdot", "dotted"] noise_draw = np.random.randn(dim_output, max(Ns)) * sigma for j, N in enumerate(Ns): # Sub-select over increasing measurements and add noise _oper_list = operator_list # [M[0:N, :] for M in operator_list] _d = np.array([y[0:N] for y in data_list]) + noise_draw[:, 0:N] _data_list = _d.tolist() # Build Linear WME problem solve, and plot linear_wme_prob = LinearWMEProblem( _oper_list, _data_list, sigma, cov_i=initial_cov ) up_cov = linear_wme_prob.updated_cov() up_sdvals = sp.linalg.svdvals(up_cov) ax.scatter( index_values, up_sdvals, marker="o", s=200, facecolors="none", edgecolors="k", ) ax.plot( index_values, up_sdvals, label=f"$N={N:1.0E}$", alpha=1, lw=3, ls=lines[j % len(lines)], c="k", ) _ = ax.set_yscale("log") _ = ax.set_xticks(index_values) _ = ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticks(), rotation=0) _ = ax.set_xlabel("Index") _ = ax.set_ylabel("Eigenvalue") _ = ax.legend(loc="lower left") if save_path is not None: save_figure( "lin-meas-cov-sd-convergence.png", save_path=save_path, dpi=dpi, close_fig=close_fig, ) return linear_wme_prob, ax
[docs]def run_high_dim_linear( dim_input: int = 100, dim_output: int = 100, seed: int = 21, save_path: Optional[str] = None, dpi: int = 500, close_fig: bool = True, ): """ Run High Dimension Linear Example Reproduces Figure 6 from [ref], showing the relative error between the true parameter value and the MUD, MAP and least squares solutions to linear gaussian inversion problems for increasing dimension and rank of a randomly generated linear map A. Parameters ---------- dim_input: int, default=20 Input dimension of linear map (number of rows in A). dim_output: int, default=5 Output dimension of linear map (number of columns in A). seed: int, default = 21 To fix results for reproducibility. Set to None to randomize results. save_path: str, optional If provided, path to save the resulting figure to. dpi: int, default=500 Resolution of images saved close_fig: bool, default=False Set to True to close figure and only save it. Returns ---------- rank_errs, dim_errs : Tuple[np.array, np.array] Tuple containing the error between the true solution and each of the (mud, map, least_squares) solutions for increasing dimension and rank from 1 to dim_output. These arrays are used to produce the plots given. """ lam_ref, randn_high_dim = random_linear_problem( dim_input=dim_input, dim_output=dim_output, seed=seed ) A_ranks = rank_decomposition(randn_high_dim.A) c = np.linalg.norm(lam_ref) def err(xs): return [np.linalg.norm(x - lam_ref) / c for x in xs] dim_errs = [] rank_errs = [] alpha_list = [1.0, 0.1, 0.001] for alpha in alpha_list: r_errs = [] d_errs = [] randn_high_dim.alpha = alpha for dim in range(1, dim_output + 1, 1): # Solve inverse problem for dimensional subset problem # Tuple is returned, with (mud, map, least-squares) solutions dim_solutions = randn_high_dim.solve(method="all", output_dim=dim) # Construct Rank k Linear Problem y_rank = A_ranks[dim - 1] @ lam_ref + randn_high_dim.b rank_prob = LinearGaussianProblem( A_ranks[dim - 1], randn_high_dim.b, y_rank, randn_high_dim.mean_i, randn_high_dim.cov_i, alpha=alpha, ) # Returns tuple of (mud, map, ls) solutions. rank_solutions = rank_prob.solve(method="all") # Compute errors d_errs.append(np.array(err(dim_solutions))) r_errs.append(np.array(err(rank_solutions))) dim_errs.append(np.array(d_errs)) rank_errs.append(np.array(r_errs)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 10)) x = np.arange(1, dim_output + 1, 1) for idx, alpha in enumerate(alpha_list): # Plot convergence for MUD and LS Solutions once if idx == 0: ax.plot(x, dim_errs[idx][:, 0], label="MUD", c="k", lw=10) # Plot convergence for Least Squares Solutions ax.plot( x, dim_errs[idx][:, 2], label="LSQ", c="xkcd:light blue", ls="-", lw=5, zorder=10, ) # Plot convergence plot for MAP Solutions - Annotate for different alphas ax.plot(x, dim_errs[idx][:, 1], label="MAP", c="r", ls="--", lw=5, zorder=10) ax.annotate( f"$\\alpha$={alpha:1.2E}", (100, max(dim_errs[idx][:, 1][-1], 0.01)), ) # Label plot _ = ax.set_title( "Convergence for Various $\\Sigma_{init} = \\alpha \\Sigma$", ) _ = ax.set_ylim(0, 1.0) _ = ax.set_ylabel("Relative Error") _ = ax.set_xlabel("Dimension of Output Space") _ = ax.legend(["MUD", "MAP", "Least Squares"]) if save_path is not None: save_figure( "lin-dim-cov-convergence.png", save_path=save_path, dpi=dpi, close_fig=close_fig, ) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 10)) for idx, alpha in enumerate(alpha_list): if idx == 1: # Plot convergence for MUD Solutions ax.plot(x, rank_errs[idx][:, 0], label="MUD", c="k", lw=10) # Plot convergence for Least Squares Solutions ax.plot( x, rank_errs[idx][:, 2], label="LSQ", c="xkcd:light blue", ls="-", lw=5, zorder=10, ) # Plot convergence plot for MAP Solutions - Annotate for different alphas ax.plot(x, rank_errs[idx][:, 1], label="MAP", c="r", ls="--", lw=5, zorder=10) ax.annotate( f"$\\alpha$={alpha:1.2E}", (100, max(rank_errs[idx][:, 1][-1], 0.01)), ) # Label plot _ = ax.set_title( "Convergence for Various $\\Sigma_{init} = \\alpha \\Sigma$", ) _ = ax.set_ylim(0, 1.0) _ = ax.set_ylabel("Relative Error") _ = ax.set_xlabel("Rank(A)") _ = ax.legend(["MUD", "MAP", "Least Squares"]) if save_path is not None: save_figure( "lin-rank-cov-convergence.png", save_path=save_path, dpi=dpi, close_fig=close_fig, ) return dim_errs, rank_errs