Source code for mud.examples.simple

Simple Example
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import distributions as ds  # type: ignore
from scipy.stats import norm  # type: ignore

from mud.base import BayesProblem, DensityProblem, SpatioTemporalProblem

[docs]def polynomial_1D_data( p: int = 5, num_samples: int = int(1e3), domain: np.typing.ArrayLike = [[-1, 1]], init_dist=ds.uniform(loc=0, scale=1), mu: float = 0.25, sigma: float = 0.1, N: int = 1, ): r""" Polynomial 1D QoI Map Generates test data for an inverse problem involving the polynomial QoI map .. math:: Q_p(\\lambda) = \\lambda^p :name: eq:q_poly Where the uncertain parameter to be determined is :math:`\lambda`. ``num_samples`` samples from a uniform distribution over ``domain`` are generated using :func:`numpy.random.uniform` and pushed through the :ref:`forward model <eq:q_poly>`. ``N`` observed data points are generated from a normal distribution centered at ``mu`` with standard deviation ``sigma`` using :obj:`scipy.stats.norm`. Parameters ---------- p: int, default=5 Power of polynomial in :ref:`QoI map<eq:q_poly>`. num_samples: int, default=100 Number of :math:`\lambda` samples to generate from a uniform distribution over ``domain`` for solving inverse problem. domain: :obj:`numpy.typing.ArrayLike`, default=[[-1, 1]] Domain to draw lambda samples from. mu: float, default=0.25 True mean value of observed data. sigma: float, default=0.1 Standard deviation of observed data. N: int, default=1 Number of data points to generate from observed distribution. Note if 1, the default value, then the singular drawn value will always be ``mu``. Returns ------- data: Tuple[:class:`numpy.ndarray`,] Tuple of ``(lam, q_lam, data)`` where ``lam`` is contains the :math:`\lambda` samples, ``q_lam`` the value of :math:`Q_p(\lambda)`, and ``data`` the observed data values from the :math:`\mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma)` distribution. Examples -------- Note when N=1, data point drawn is always equal to mean. >>> import numpy as np >>> from mud.examples.comparison import polynomial_1D_data >>> lam, q_lam, data = polynomial_1D_data(num_samples=10, N=1) >>> data[0] 0.25 >>> len(lam) 10 For higher values of N, values are drawn from N(mu, sigma) distribution. >>> lam, q_lam, data = polynomial_1D_data(N=10, mu=0.5, sigma=0.01) >>> len(data) 10 >>> np.mean(data) < 0.6 True """ # QoI Map - Polynomial x^p def QoI(x, y): return x**y # Generate samples lam, QoI(lam), and simulated data domain = np.reshape(domain, (1, 2)) lam = init_dist.rvs(size=(num_samples, 1)) q_lam = QoI(lam, p).reshape(-1, 1) # Evaluate lam^5 samples if N == 1: data = np.array([mu]) else: data = norm.rvs(loc=mu, scale=sigma**2, size=N) return lam, q_lam, data
[docs]def identity_1D_density_prob( num_samples=2000, num_obs=20, mu=0.5, sigma=0.05, weights=None, init_dist="uniform", normalize=False, domain=[0, 1], analytical_pred=True, ): """ Identity 1D Density Problem Solving 1d identity map parameter estimation problem using the DensityProblem class and the mud point estimate. """ if init_dist == "uniform": init_dist = ds.uniform(loc=domain[0], scale=domain[1] - domain[0]) lam, q_lam, data = polynomial_1D_data( p=1, num_samples=num_samples, N=num_obs, init_dist=init_dist, mu=mu, sigma=sigma ) D = DensityProblem(lam, q_lam, domain, weights=weights, normalize=normalize) D.set_initial(init_dist) D.set_observed(ds.norm(np.mean(data), sigma)) if analytical_pred: D.set_predicted(init_dist) return D
[docs]def identity_1D_bayes_prob( num_samples=1000, num_obs=50, mu=0.5, sigma=0.05, init_dist=ds.uniform(loc=0, scale=1), domain=None, ): """ Identity 1D Bayes Problem Solving 1d identity map parameter estimation problem using the BayesProlem class and the map point estimate. """ lam, q_lam, data = polynomial_1D_data( p=1, num_samples=num_samples, N=num_obs, init_dist=init_dist, mu=mu, sigma=sigma ) B = BayesProblem(lam, q_lam, domain=domain) B.set_likelihood(ds.norm(loc=data, scale=sigma)) return B
[docs]def identity_1D_temporal_prob( num_samples=2000, num_obs=20, y_true=0.5, noise=0.05, weights=None, init_dist=ds.uniform(loc=0, scale=1), normalize=False, domain=None, wme_map=True, analytical_pred=True, ): """ Identity 1D Temporal Problem Solving 1d identity map parameter estimation problem using the SpatioTemporalProblem class to construct DensityProblem class using the WME map to aggregate data. """ lam, q_lam, data = polynomial_1D_data( p=1, num_samples=num_samples, N=num_obs, init_dist=init_dist, mu=y_true, sigma=noise, ) data = { "lam": lam, "data": data, "true_vals": y_true, "measurements": None, "std_dev": noise, "sample_dist": "uniform", "domain": domain, "lam_ref": y_true, "times": np.arange(num_obs), } temporal_prob = SpatioTemporalProblem() temporal_prob.load(data) D = temporal_prob.mud_problem(method="wme") D.set_initial(init_dist) D.set_observed(ds.norm(0, 1)) # always N(0,1) for WME map return D