Source code for mud.funs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Python console script for `mud`, installed with
`pip install .` or `python install`

import logging

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import distributions as dists  # type: ignore

from mud.base import (

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def wme(predictions, data, sd=None): """ Calculates Weighted Mean Error (WME) functional. Parameters ---------- predictions: numpy.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features) Predicted values against which data is compared. data: list or numpy.ndarray of shape (n_features, 1) Collected (noisy) data sd: float, optional Standard deviation Returns ------- numpy.ndarray of shape (n_samples, 1) """ sd = np.std(data) if sd is None else sd predictions = predictions.reshape(1, -1) if predictions.ndim == 1 else predictions N = predictions.shape[1] if N != len(data): raise ValueError(f"Predictions and data dim mismatch {N} != {len(data)}") return np.sum((1 / (sd * np.sqrt(N))) * (predictions - data), axis=1)
[docs]def updated_cov(X, init_cov=None, data_cov=None): """ We start with the posterior covariance from ridge regression Our matrix R = init_cov^(-1) - X.T @ pred_cov^(-1) @ X replaces the init_cov from the posterior covariance equation. Simplifying, this is given as the following, which is not used due to issues of numerical stability (a lot of inverse operations). up_cov = (X.T @ np.linalg.inv(data_cov) @ X + R )^(-1) up_cov = np.linalg.inv(\ X.T@(np.linalg.inv(data_cov) - inv_pred_cov)@X + \ np.linalg.inv(init_cov) ) We return the updated covariance using a form of it derived which applies Hua's identity in order to use Woodbury's identity. >>> updated_cov(np.eye(2)) array([[1., 0.], [0., 1.]]) >>> updated_cov(np.eye(2)*2) array([[0.25, 0. ], [0. , 0.25]]) >>> updated_cov(np.eye(3)[:, :2]*2, data_cov=np.eye(3)) array([[0.25, 0. ], [0. , 0.25]]) >>> updated_cov(np.eye(3)[:, :2]*2, init_cov=np.eye(2)) array([[0.25, 0. ], [0. , 0.25]]) """ if init_cov is None: init_cov = np.eye(X.shape[1]) else: assert X.shape[1] == init_cov.shape[1] if data_cov is None: data_cov = np.eye(X.shape[0]) else: assert X.shape[0] == data_cov.shape[1] pred_cov = X @ init_cov @ X.T inv_pred_cov = np.linalg.pinv(pred_cov) # pinv b/c inv unstable for rank-deficient A # Form derived via Hua's identity + Woodbury K = init_cov @ X.T @ inv_pred_cov up_cov = init_cov - K @ (pred_cov - data_cov) @ K.T return up_cov
[docs]def lin_prob(A, b, y=None, mean=None, cov=None, data_cov=None, alpha=None): """ Linear Gaussian Problem Solver Entrypoint """ lin_prob = LinearGaussianProblem( A, b=b, y=y, mean_i=mean, cov_i=cov, cov_o=data_cov, alpha=alpha, ) return lin_prob
[docs]def mud_sol(A, b, y=None, mean=None, cov=None, data_cov=None): """ For SWE problem, we are inverting N(0,1). This is the default value for `data_cov`. """ lp = lin_prob(A, b, y=y, mean=mean, cov=cov, data_cov=data_cov) mud_pt = lp.solve(method="mud") mud_pt = mud_pt if np.array(y).ndim > 1 else mud_pt.ravel() return mud_pt
[docs]def mud_sol_with_cov(A, b, y=None, mean=None, cov=None, data_cov=None): """ Doesn't use R directly, uses new equations. This presents the equation as a rank-k update to the error of the initial estimate. """ lp = lin_prob(A, b, y=y, mean=mean, cov=cov, data_cov=data_cov) mud_pt = lp.solve(method="mud_alt") mud_pt = mud_pt if np.array(y).ndim > 1 else mud_pt.ravel() return mud_pt, lp.up_cov
[docs]def map_sol(A, b, y=None, mean=None, cov=None, data_cov=None, w=1): """MAP Linear Gaussian Problem Solve""" lp = lin_prob(A, b, y=y, mean=mean, cov=cov, data_cov=data_cov, alpha=w) map_pt = lp.solve(method="map") map_pt = map_pt if np.array(y).ndim > 1 else map_pt.ravel() return map_pt
[docs]def map_sol_with_cov(A, b, y=None, mean=None, cov=None, data_cov=None, w=1): """MAP Linear Gaussian Problem Solve""" lp = lin_prob(A, b, y=y, mean=mean, cov=cov, data_cov=data_cov, alpha=w) map_pt = lp.solve(method="map") map_pt = map_pt if np.array(y).ndim > 1 else map_pt.ravel() return map_pt, lp.cov_p
[docs]def iter_lin_solve( A, b, y=None, mean=None, cov=None, data_cov=None, method="mud", num_epochs=1, idx_order=None, ): """ Iterative Linear Gaussian Problem Solver Entrypoint """ lin_prob = IterativeLinearProblem( A, b=b, y=y, mean_i=mean, cov_i=cov, cov_o=data_cov, alpha=1.0, idx_order=idx_order, ) res = lin_prob.solve(num_epochs=num_epochs, method=method) return res
[docs]def performEpoch(A, b, y, initial_mean, initial_cov, data_cov=None, idx=None): dim_out = A.shape[0] mud_chain = [] _mean = initial_mean mud_chain.append(_mean) if idx is None: idx = range(dim_out) for i in idx: _A = A[i, :].reshape(1, -1) _b = b[i] _y = y[i] _mud_sol = mud_sol(_A, _b, _y, _mean, initial_cov, data_cov=None) mud_chain.append(_mud_sol) _mean = mud_chain[-1] return mud_chain
[docs]def iterate(A, b, y, initial_mean, initial_cov, data_cov=None, num_epochs=1, idx=None): chain = performEpoch(A, b, y, initial_mean, initial_cov, data_cov, idx) for _ in range(1, num_epochs): chain += performEpoch(A, b, y, chain[-1], initial_cov, data_cov, idx) return chain
[docs]def data_prob( lam, qoi, qoi_true=None, measurements=None, std_dev=None, sample_dist="uniform", domain=None, lam_ref=None, times=None, sensors=None, idxs=None, method="wme", init_dist=dists.uniform(loc=0, scale=1), ): """ Data-Constructed Map Solve Wrapper around SpatioTemporalProblem class to create and solve a MUD problem by first aggregating observed and siumalated data in a data-constructed qoi map. """ data = { "lam": lam, "data": qoi, "true_vals": qoi_true, "measurements": measurements, "std_dev": std_dev, "sample_dist": sample_dist, "domain": domain, "lam_ref": lam_ref, "times": times, "sensors": sensors, } sp_prob = SpatioTemporalProblem() sp_prob.load(data) D = sp_prob.mud_problem(method=method) D.set_initial(init_dist) D.set_observed(dists.norm(0, 1)) # always N(0,1) for WME map D.estimate() return D
[docs]def map_problem(lam, qoi, qoi_true, domain, sd=0.05, num_obs=None, log=False): """ Wrapper around map problem, takes in raw qoi + synthetic data and instantiates solver object """ lam = lam.reshape(-1, 1) if lam.ndim == 1 else lam qoi = qoi.reshape(-1, 1) if qoi.ndim == 1 else qoi dim_output = qoi.shape[1] if num_obs is None: num_obs = dim_output elif num_obs < 1: raise ValueError("num_obs must be >= 1") elif num_obs > dim_output: raise ValueError("num_obs must be <= dim(qoi)") data = qoi_true[0:num_obs] + np.random.randn(num_obs) * sd likelihood = dists.norm(loc=data, scale=sd) b = BayesProblem(lam, qoi[:, 0:num_obs], domain) b.set_likelihood(likelihood, log=log) return b
[docs]def mud_problem( lam, qoi, qoi_true, domain, sd=0.05, num_obs=None, split=None, weights=None ): """ Wrapper around mud problem, takes in raw qoi + synthetic data and performs WME transformation, instantiates solver object. """ if lam.ndim == 1: lam = lam.reshape(-1, 1) if qoi.ndim == 1: qoi = qoi.reshape(-1, 1) dim_output = qoi.shape[1] if num_obs is None: num_obs = dim_output elif num_obs < 1: raise ValueError("num_obs must be >= 1") elif num_obs > dim_output: raise ValueError("num_obs must be <= dim(qoi)") # TODO: handle empty sd -> take it from the data. # TODO: swap for data + leave noise generation separate. no randomness in method. noise = np.random.randn(num_obs) * sd if split is None: # this is our data processing step. data = qoi_true[0:num_obs] + noise q = wme(qoi[:, 0:num_obs], data, sd).reshape(-1, 1) else: # vector-valued QoI map. TODO: assert dimensions <= input_dim q = [] for qoi_indices in split: _q = qoi_indices[qoi_indices < num_obs] _qoi = qoi[:, _q] _data = np.array(qoi_true)[_q] + noise[_q] _newqoi = wme(_qoi, _data, sd) q.append(_newqoi) q = np.vstack(q).T # this implements density-based solutions, mud point method d = DensityProblem(lam, q, domain, weights=weights) return d